While working on one of the POC for the prospect where wanted to make use of multiple Canvas Apps within Model-driven app form, I came across this error while embedding the second canvas app on the form.
You have more than one canvas app with Phone form factor, the maximum is one for this form factor. The number of canvas apps are limited to three for Web and one for Tablet and Phone form factors.
Finally, I could able to embed multiple canvas app on the form post research and thought of posting this on my blog which can help others & save their time.
While selecting the Canvas App control on the form, as per current limitation you can have only one embedded canvas for all the interface like Web, Phone & Tablet.
Hence, for the second & third Canvas App, only Select the Web interface as option as shown below
Note: You will see this error if you try to embed more than 3 canvas apps.
You have more than three canvas apps with Web form factor, the maximum is three for this form factor. The number of canvas apps are limited to three for Web and one for Tablet and Phone form factors
Let’s look at the output on the Dynamics 365 Model-driven Lead Page with 2 Canvas Apps.
Note: Currently you can only add 3 Canvas App per Model-Driven form.
Ref. URL: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/model-driven-apps/embedded-canvas-app-guidelines
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